Monday, August 10, 2009

Governors oppose DoD emergency powers

It is amazing these little things (huge things) seem to go by with little attention. The DoD is asking that in a time of emergency (as defined by the guy in the white house) the federal government can take control of all the guard units which have always been under the governors control. Why have governors? Why have state legislators? Why have state courts? Why even have local authority? Leadership based on early Israel, God ordained, is now daily being turned into a fascist monarch of beelzebub. All hail obama.


  1. But they love us! They want to help us! Help them help you!

  2. I wonder if we sign up early enough we can get a low number tattooed on our forehead. I hate pain so I'd rather have 17 scribed into my noggin instead of 47,390,431. Unless they do it when I'm dead which will be more likely!

  3. Resistance is futile. Abandon all hope.

  4. Yes I would like to abandon Mr. Hope n' Change.
