Keep it simple.
The more I read, the more I am in awe of the founders. They struggled, bickered and prayed over the future they would leave for us. Easy? No. Amazing? Yes!
Keep it simple.
Most religions have exstensive requirements to gain a worthwhile eternity. Limited room, laws and more laws., deeds and more deeds,.. enough to do's to just suck all the joy out of life. Why bother if we can't understand them. Why bother if we can't achieve them. But Christianity is different. Not by works. Not by a deeds. Not anything you can do on your own.... but believe. Knock, open, believe. In Mark 10:15, Jesus tells us that "I tell you the truth, you must accept the kingdom of God as if you were a little child or you you will never enter it." Kids take things on face value. They don't do well on a bunch of rules and regulations. The same goes for us dumb sheep. Jesus knew that if it was too complicated, we wouldn't have a chance. He wanted to...
Keep it simple.
Have you read the constitution. You can find it here at
A pretty easy ready. And pretty easy to understand. Our founders new that they had to keep it simple because those in power were going to be pretty simple minded... as is apparent today. It is black and white. But today it is nothing but grey. Why? Presidents, Congress and courts have made it complicated. To suite their needs. To advance their beliefs. And it's come at a great cost. Is there anything we can do? Before its too late?
Keep it simple.
The devil is in the details. And the devil is everywhere. We have to get people like you and I to lead. We have to get back to the fundamentals, the origin of our foundation. Painful? Absolutely. Like the first 2 weeks of an Atkins diet. It's going to take sacrifice. Our founders gave up everything. Are we willing to go that far? Or do we just wait until it's just taken from us? The longer we wait, the harder it will be. But whatever we do, remember to...
Keep it simple.