Friday, July 30, 2010

Gunowners Celebrate New Gun Law

Gunowners Celebrate New Gun Law
With all the celebration in the streets yesterday that the feds have made it legal to be illegal... and all the foreign flags flying on American soil... one liitle thing went virtually unnoticed... Arizona restored an 'infringed' on right. Gotta love this state.


  1. It's good to see that Arizona is leading the way. Now if we could only get the rest of the States in the Union to follow their example.

  2. And the likelyhood of that happening in California, New York or Mass. is...? I think the only way for that to happen is to treat it as a federal Bill of Right. Wait a minute, it is!

  3. I love it when the government does not infringe!

  4. What's weird is its Arizona --- Arizona? Have they finally had their fill down there? (Are they sending my Leftist-voting sister back?)

    Maybe there is hope for us... But the "Democratic" Party gallons cash to spend on lying, plus a Party President who will use government to do Party bidding.

    Good luck America. We need it.

  5. I didn't know about the new AZ gun law!!
    maybe it's time to est. residence in AZ!
